Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My sister's in law are trying to break me....

I'm so NOT very good at being "one of the girls" I'm more comfortable being "one of the guys" because I've had to be "one of the guys" my whole life. Well my sister's in law are trying to break me of my being "one of the guys" habit. They have brow beat me into going into the city for a day of pampering at the local day spa. I wonder how much "torture" I'm going to endure tomorrow?

Dad is spending a large chunk of the day in the city at his architure/contracting firm hammering out the details of a pretty large project that he has coming up. Naturally, he needed to put someone in charge of "running" the ranch while he's gone and today is my lucky day! I get to be the "Grand Poohba!" Yeah me! Happy dance all around!

Mom has spent the better part of the day in the kitchen baking up a storm. I can hardly wait to try some of her creations. Gonna have to get sneaky about it though. Mom says they're "not for you" and sends us all packing. Wonder who or what all those tasty looking morsals are for?

My best friend Cash is coming over later this afternoon to help me shoe some of my horses. I don't know what it is about Cash that calms the horse's down but whatever it is I want some of it for myself. Cash is literally the only person Libby will let mess with her hooves without hurting him....If anyone else were to try and mess around with her hooves they'd be in a world of hurt by the end of the whole process.

My cousin Gabe is here helping J-Rod and Adam string fence today. So far it's been an "extra special" experience all around. Who in their right mind just reaches out and grabs an electric fence like that? Especially if you don't know if it's actually on or not? He must like taking one for the team or something cause that's just crazy!

I've decided that I need to get out on my own. Live in my own place, make my own rules, be my own person, so on and so forth. Day after tomorrow I'm going to start looking for my own place. I'm super excite about the prospect of being on my own. Everybody else is doing it why can't/shouldn't I?

Well, must go finish my lunch and get back to supervising the "crew" or nothing will get done around here today. Until later.....


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